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A student has the right to appeal a suspension due to mitigating circumstances such as, but not limited to, illness, military service, or a previously undiagnosed learning disability. The following has to be completed and submitted to the One-Stop Student Service Center:

  • An appeal, in writing, using the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form. The form has to be reviewed and signed by the student and an Academic Advisor;
  • Documentation verifying the special circumstances (e.g., doctor’s letter, third-party letter); and
  • An Academic Progress Plan.

The Appeal Committee considers all appeals. Notification of the decision is sent to the student’s email account and by mail. The student receives the notification within two weeks of the date the appeal is received, or after the semester’s final grades have been posted. If the appeal is granted, the student is placed on probation, and the student is eligible to receive aid for the appealed semester. At the end of the appeal semester, the student’s academic progress is reviewed. If the conditions of the appeal are not met, the student is no longer eligible to receive financial aid. If the conditions of the appeal are met, the student continues to be eligible for financial aid. The conditions of the appeal are reviewed each semester until the student is making satisfactory academic progress (SAP).

Normally, students who are granted an appeal and placed in a probation status are allowed to enroll in fewer than twelve credits the following semester. Students who wish to take more than the recommended number of credits have to appeal the recommendation to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.