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Leave of Absence or Withdrawal from the College

Voluntary Leave of Absence or Withdrawal

A student planning to take a leave of absence or withdraw from the College should meet with his or her Academic Advisor and a representative from his or her program of study. If, after discussion, the final decision is to take a leave or withdraw, the student may complete a Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form located on or at the One-Stop Student Service Center. This for must be approved by both the Academic Advisor and program representative before submitting to the One-Stop for processing. If the student received financial aid while enrolled at the College, Exit Counseling must be completed online at, or by making an appointment with the Office of Financial Aid.

Administrative Withdrawal due to Non-Attendance

A student enrolled in any of the College's programs who does not register for courses for two consecutive terms will be administratively withdrawn from the College due to non-attendance. Two consecutive terms are defined as follows:

  • The fall semester (fifteen weeks) followed by the spring semester (fifteen weeks); or
  • The spring semester (fifteen weeks) followed by the fall semester (fifteen weeks).

A withdrawal will not be processed if a student does not attend during the Summer semester.