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SSC 1050 Fundamentals of Health Care Delivery

This course examines the social organization of healthcare services in the United States, the changing role of government, the growth of health insurance, and the acceleration of government in healthcare funding. Additional topics include the professional labor force, health agencies, diverse provider settings, and policies and regulations. The course is structured to develop the ability to identify and describe the nature and structure of the United States healthcare system and discuss the forces, which create, support, and change the systems. In this course students will: • Learn terminology and basic concepts about the current U.S. healthcare delivery system • Apply critical thinking to challenges presented in the current U.S. healthcare system to identify and critically evaluate different options for solutions • Examine global health systems, service delivery, factors influencing care and policy decisions, health disparities, and evidence-based care at local, state, national, and global level • Identify informational technology and security management needs of healthcare • Articulate the interaction between regulatory controls and quality control within the healthcare delivery system • Describe the role of various systems and factors in creating safety and in causing errors and adverse events • Discuss the integration of specific cultural approaches to health and illness into the provision of healthcare
