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Definitions of Distance Education and Online Learning

Distance Education at Labouré College of Healthcare includes any course or program that replaces some or all on-campus classroom hours with online instruction. Online Learning uses one or more technologies to deliver instruction to students who are separated from the professor. These technologies support regular and substantive interaction between students and professor.


Distance Education at Labouré College of Healthcare offers exciting opportunities for learning online. Through the College’s learning management system (LMS), students experience interactive online learning in their coursework and in collaborative engagements with faculty and classmates.


Labouré College of Healthcare offers the following educational delivery formats:


  • Traditional courses are courses that meet in person for all the required hours for which they are scheduled (on the main campus or satellite campuses). All traditional courses are web-enhanced, using the LMS, and require faculty and students to access class materials online. A web-enhanced traditional course is not considered an online or hybrid course, but uses the LMS platform to interact with students and support course content. Students need to have access to a computer and reliable, high-speed internet. 

  • Hybrid courses are a combination of online and on-campus, traditional courses. Hybrid courses provide students with the option and flexibility to attend some on-campus orientations, assessments, class meetings, and/or other required activities. The college-supported learning management system is used to provide course content replacing face-to-face time. Students must have access to a computer and reliable, high-speed internet.

  • Online courses do not meet in person and students complete all their work online. Students are required to use a computer with reliable, high-speed internet access as the primary technology and may be required to use other available technologies to acquire and learn course content. Some online courses include optional on-ground class meetings.