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> Course Descriptions
Course Descriptions
ELEC 3000 - 4000
Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science Elective
ANA 1010
Anatomy & Physiology I with Lab
ANA 1120
Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab
BIO 1010
Human Biology
CHE 1050
General Chemistry I
ENG 2050
World Literature
ENG 2060
American Literature
ETH 1010
Healthcare Ethics
ETH 3000
Ethics Elective
ETH 3210
ETH 3210: Ethical Domains & Dilemmas
HUM 1010
Introduction to Humanities
HUM 2000
Humanities Elective
HUM 3000
Humanities Elective
HUM 3010
Critical Analysis
INT 2100
Integrative Seminar I
MAT 1000
Math Elective
MAT 1020
Mathematics for Health Sciences
MAT 3410
Essentials of Statistics
MIC 2201
Microbiology for Healthcare Professionals
PSY 1010
Introductory Psychology
PSY 2010
Human Growth & Behavior
SCI 1000
Natural Science Elective (2 courses)
SCI 2055
Introduction to Global Health
SCI 2065
Introduction to Epidemiology
SCI 2070
Applied Nutrition for Health
SCI 4000
Natural Science Elective
SCI 4010
Scientific Revolutions
SCI 4020
Biology of Cancer
SCI 4030
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
SCI 4040
Medical Revolutions
SCI 4095
Global Health
SCI 4100
Contemporary Issues in Nutrition
SES 4355
Senior Capstone
SSC 2020
Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Healthcare Professionals
SSC 3000
Social Science Elective
SSC 3020
Psychological, Social, and Physiological Effects of Trauma
SSC 3095
Health Disparities in the United States
SSC 3310
Intercultural Communications
SSC 3320
Community and Behavioral Health
SSC 4010
Agents of Social Change
THE 2000
Theology Elective
THE 2050
Religions of the World
THE 2070
THE 2090
Dying in the Human Life Cycle
THE 3010
Religion, Medicine, and Ethics
DSN 0025
NUR1025 Remediation Workshop
DSN 0100
Academic Skills for NUR 1015
DSN 1010
Developmental Skills for Nursing
DSN 1015
Developmental Skills for Nurses
DSN 1040
Directed Studies in Nursing - Medication Calculations
NCL 0102
Transition to Concept-Based Learning Curriculum
NCL 1000
Nursing Learning Strategies
HSP 3010
Legal Considerations in Healthcare
HSP 3020
Economics and Finance in Healthcare
HSP 3030
Communications Informatics and Interprofessional Practice in Healthcare
HSP 3040
Evidence-Based Practice
HSP 3050
The Senior Living Industry
HSP 3055
Management of Senior Living Facilities and Services
HSP 3060
Long-Term Care Management and Administration
HSP 3065
Long-Term Care Laws, Regulations, and Policies
HSP 3110
Medical Practice Management and Patient Flow
HSP 3120
Patient Safety and Compliance in Healthcare
HSP 3130
Management of Healthcare Organizations
HSP 4000
Healthcare Administration Electives
HSP 4010
Transitions and Issues in Long-Term and Post-Acute Care
HSP 4015
Aging, Bereavement, Trauma, and Other Losses
HSP 4020
Planning and Assessment in Health Professions
HSP 4025
Complementary Alternative Medicine
HSP 4040
Professional Development and Supervision in Healthcare
HSP 4050
Strategic Leadership and Management in Healthcare
HSP 4060
Quality Analysis and Risk Management in Healthcare
HSP 4085
Human Resource Management for Healthcare Organizations
HSP 4090
Health Care Revenue Cycle Management
EKG 1020
Electrocardiography Basics
GER 1010
Introduction to Aging and Gerontology
GER 1020
Health Disparities and Aging
GER 1030
Models of Healthcare
HSC 1010
Introduction to Health Science
HSC 1020
Medical Terminology
HSC 2000
Health Science Electives
HSC 2001
Health Science Specialty Track
HSC 2010
Fundamentals of Healthcare Delivery
HSC 2020
Survey of Public Health Practices
HSC 2030
Holistic Health and Wellness
HSC 2040
Introduction to Medical Practice Management
HSC 2045
Introduction to Healthcare Payment Systems
HSC 2050
Contemporary Issues in Healthcare
HSC 2060
Patient Safety and Compliance
HSC 2075
Introduction to Complementary Alternative Medicine
HSC 2080
Bioterrorism Preparedness in Healthcare
PHL 1010
Clinical Laboratory Basics
PHL 1025
Principles and Methods of Phlebotomy
IOM 1010
Introduction to Neurodiagnostic Technology (NDT) / Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM)
IOM 1020
Introduction to Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (IONM)
IOM 1030
Introduction to Clinical Education
IOM 1032
Introduction to Clinical Education - Boot Camp
IOM 1120
IONM Anatomy & Physiology
IOM 1130
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring II
IOM 1140
Clinical Education I
IOM 2010
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring III / Modalities
IOM 2021
IONM Anatomy & Physiology II
IOM 2030
Clinical Practicum II
IOM 2120
IONM IV / Advanced EEG and Related Procedures
IOM 2130
IOM 2140
Clinical Practicum III
IOM 2200
Clinical Add-On I **
IOM 2201
Clinical Add-On II **
EOL 1010
Neurodiagnostic Technology I
EOL 1020
Clinical Education
EOL 1021
Clinical Education I
EOL 1022
Clinical Education II
EOL 1120
Neurodiagnostic Technology II
EOL 1130
Clinical Practicum I
EOL 1131
Clinical Education III
EOL 1132
Clinical Education IV
EOL 1340
Aspects of Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology
EOL 2010
Neurological Diseases and Disorders
EOL 2130
Related NDT Procedures
EOL 213C
Clinical Practicum
EOL 213R
Record Review
EOL 214C
Clinical Education V
EOL 214R
Record Review
EOL 215C
Clinical Education VI
EOL 2401
EEG Review
NUR 1015
Fundamental Health Concepts
NUR 1025
Health and Illness Concepts of the Adult and Child
NUR 1035
Health and Illness Concepts of the Adult
NUR 2000
Family Centered Nursing
NUR 2005
Health and Illness Concepts of the Adult and Childbearing Family
NUR 2020
Nursing III
NUR 2025
Advanced Health and Illness Concepts
NUR 3000 - 4000
Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science Electives
NUR 3110
Professional Nursing Perspectives
NUR 3226
NUR 3330
Health Assessment
NUR 3445
Communications and Informatics in Healthcare
NUR 3660
Evidence-Based Nursing Practice
NUR 4000
NUR Professional Course Elective
NUR 4226
Leadership and Management in Healthcare
NUR 4235
Population Focused Healthcare
NUR 4336
Application of Evidence-Based Practice
NUR 4337
Opioid Disuse Syndrome and the Epidemic
NUR 4338
Topics in Nursing
RTT 1100
Introduction to Radiation Therapy and Medical Terminology
RTT 114C
RA-Clinical Education I
RTT 1110
Treatment Techniques
RTT 1170
Mathematics and Basic Physics Review in Radiation Therapy
RTT 1200
Introduction to Patient Care
RTT 124C
RA-Clinical Education II
RTT 1270
Principles of Mathematics and Physics
RTT 100P
RA-Clinical Practicum I
RTT 200P
RA-Clin Practicum II
RTT 2100
Introductory Pathology and Radiobiology
RTT 214C
RA-Clinical Education III
RTT 2170
Radiation Physics I
RTT 2200
Radiation Oncology
RTT 224C
RA-Clinical Education IV
RTT 2270
Radiation Physics II
RTT 2290
Seminar Radiation Therapy
RSC 1010
Respiratory Care Procedures I
RSC 1020
Clinical Applications I
RSC 1030
Respiratory Care Procedures II
RSC 1040
Clinical Applications II
RSC 2010
Pulmonary Pathology
RSC 2020
Clinical Applications III
RSC 2030
Respiratory Care Procedures III
RSC 2040
Advanced Clinical Applications I
RSC 2050
Respiratory Care Procedures IV
RSC 2060
Advanced Clinical Applications II
RSC 2070
Advanced Clinical Applications III