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SSC 3020 Psychological, Social, and Physiological Effects of Trauma

Trauma is a ubiquitous experience that can take many forms – acute, persistent, physical, psychological, collective, and/or individual to name a few.  While the experience of trauma may be universal, each person’s response to trauma is unique. The manner in which one responds to trauma also has profound implications for physical and mental health. It is, therefore, critical that healthcare providers have a thorough understanding of the effects of trauma and trauma-informed care.  This course provides with a thorough grounding in the psychological, social and physiological effects of trauma and how to care for individuals with trauma-related illnesses. The effects of trauma and trauma-informed care will be examined from the perspective of the patient as well as the healthcare professional. Students will learn healthy professional and personal responses to their own trauma and how this impacts their patients.  This focus will increase awareness, provide understanding and assist students in developing a personal skill set supportive to all aspects of trauma response.

