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Attendance and Course Reconciliation

Students who have not attended a class in which they are registered and do not communicate intentions to remain in the course by the end of the Add/Drop Period will be administratively dropped from that class. This includes all delivery formats including traditional, hybrid and online courses. The professor will reach out to students who are absent to inform them about the importance of attendance. If the student does not respond, or wishes to drop the course, the professor will notify the Office of the Registrar for the administrative drop.


In order to ensure that a student is not administratively dropped mistakenly from a hybrid or online course, professors will require students to undertake academically related activities the first week of class, before the deadline to report attendance. Some examples of academically related activities include the following:

  • Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the professor and students
  • Submitting an academic assignment
  • Taking an exam, an interactive tutorial, or computer-assisted assignment
  • Attending a study group that is assigned by the instructor
  • Participating in an online, collaborative chat
  • Participating in an online discussion about academic matters
  • Initiating contact with a professor to ask a question about the academic subject studies in the course

Academically related activities in a hybrid or online course do not include activities where a student may be present but not academically engaged, such as the following:

  • Reading the syllabus
  • Logging into an online class without active participation
  • Participating in academic counseling or advising

Note: For the shortened semester sessions 1 and 2, the absences are halved: 1 absence for a course meeting once a week, 2 absences for a course meeting twice a week, 3 absences for a course meeting three times a week.