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Incomplete Grades

A student may experience situations beyond their control which may mean they need additional time to finish coursework at the end of a semester. In these rare occasions, the student may work with their professor to receive an incomplete grade (I) to allow additional time to complete the course. 


Any student wishing to receive an incomplete grade must work with their professor to submit an Incomplete Grade Contract to the Office of the Registrar ( by the end of the semester. The Incomplete Grade Contract is located on


An incomplete grade can only be awarded to students under the following conditions:

  1. The professor, Program Chair, or Program Dean must approve the incomplete grade.
  2. The student is considered in good academic standing both within the course and in their program.
  3. The student is unable to complete coursework by the end of the semester due to unexpected or personal emergencies beyond the student’s control.  Students requesting an incomplete grade due to medical reasons are expected to provide appropriate documentation with the Incomplete Contract.
  4. There is reasonable expectation that the student will receive a passing grade upon successful completion of missing coursework.  An incomplete grade may not be granted to a student whose work has been substantially unsatisfactory or who has failed to submit a substantial number of assignments (i.e., postings, responses, written assignments, etc.) in a timely manner by the end of the course.

The Incomplete Contract should clearly outline coursework to be completed by the student.  The deadline by which completed work is to be submitted is preferably within two (2) weeks after the last day of the semester due to Brightspace course closings.  However, the deadline can be within six weeks of the end of the semester. Any coursework not submitted by the sixth week will result in a grade for the assignment as zero (0) to be calculated into the final course grade.  If the student does not complete any of the agreed upon coursework by the Incomplete Contract deadline, the final course grade will be awarded as indicated on the Incomplete Grade Contract.  Upon completion of the Incomplete Contract, the professor will submit a Change of Grade Form to the Office of the Registrar who will update the student record.


Permission for further extension beyond six (6) weeks can be awarded if approved by the Division Dean or Chair.  No extensions will be permitted after fifteen (15) weeks or one (1) semester unless approved by the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.


If an incomplete grade is awarded for a pre-requisite course, the student will not be able to enroll in the requisite course until the incomplete grade has been resolved.