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Deferral of Enrollment

Students who have been accepted to Labouré College of Healthcare, and who are unable to start classes in the term for which they are accepted, due to extenuating circumstances, may request to defer their enrollment for up to three semesters, which is the equivalent of one year as long as the admissions requirements have not changed for their desired academic program. Students deferring past one year will be required to reapply to Labouré College of Healthcare. Deferring enrollment allows a student to maintain their admissions decision. Students who defer may not be able to retain their current clinical-course group and may be placed into a new Nursing group.

A student who decides to defer their enrollment must submit their non-refundable matriculation fee/enrollment deposit. The deadline to defer enrollment is the last day of the Add/Drop period (also sometimes called Course Adjustment Period) of the semester they were accepted for.

Students who will be enrolling in another institution during their time of deferral are encouraged to speak with the Admissions Office. Any courses taken at other institutions during deferment will be evaluated by the Admissions Office in accordance with the transfer credit policy. Students must earn a minimum grade of B- in courses taken at other institutions during deferment to not risk falling below the minimum cumulative GPA required for admissions.

All specific questions or concerns regarding individual students should be directed to the Admissions Office.