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Grade Appeal of Final Course Grade: Policy and Procedure

Grade Appeal Final Course Grade Policy

Every student has a right to receive an assigned grade that is fair and unprejudiced based on a method that is neither random nor unpredictable. Students who wish to appeal a final grade are responsible for demonstrating that the grade they received was contrary to procedures as specified in the course syllabus or was based on computational or clerical error. Faculty have the right to assign a grade based on any method that is professionally acceptable, submitted in writing to all students, and applied equally. Faculty have the responsibility to provide careful evaluation and timely assignment of all grades. Course grading methods should be clearly explained to students at the beginning of the term. Labouré College of Healthcare assumes that the judgment of the professor is valid, and the final grades assigned are correct. Faculty members and students have a responsibility to attempt to resolve grade disputes informally.

  • A grade appeal shall be restricted to charges of unfair action toward an individual student and may not involve a challenge of a professor's grading standard.
  • Dissatisfaction with a grade is not a rationale for appeal.
  • A student has a right to expect thoughtful and clearly defined approaches to course and project grading, but it must be recognized that standards can vary and individual approaches to grading are valid. If a grade has been assigned in a manner other than that stated on the course syllabus or other published course documents or are inconsistent with how they were assigned to other students, then a grade appeal will be considered.
  • The grade appeal considers whether a grade was determined in a fair and appropriate manner; it does not attempt to grade or re-grade individual assignments or projects.
  • It is incumbent on the student to substantiate the claim that their final grade represents unfair treatment, compared to the standard applied to other students. It is up to the student to provide any and all documentation supporting their case.
  • A student may appeal a Final Course Grade within (10) days after the final grade has been submitted. For the purpose of the grade appeal policy, days will be measured as business days (Monday-Friday).
  • The formal process may be used only for grading issues that impact the final course grade. For example, if a student disagrees with a grade given on a particular exam or assignment, but changing the grade on that particular exam or assignment will not affect the outcome of the student’s final course grade, then the issue is not appropriate for a formal appeal.

Students should not fear retaliation for voicing a concern for review of their grade.


Grade Appeal Final Course Grade Procedure


  1. First Level: The student must first reach out to the faculty member who has assigned the Final Course Grade. The student will contact course faculty by email. Course faculty will respond within 10 days, with the outcome. In the absence of compelling reasons, such as clerical error, prejudice, or unreliability, the grade assigned by the professor of record is to be considered final.

    Possible Resolution of Grade Appeal procedure -The student receives an adequate explanation that there are no grounds for the grade to be changed and the student decides to not pursue the grade appeal procedure.

  2. Second Level: If the student believes they have not received a satisfactory response or no response within 10 days, the student will contact the Chairperson or Dean of the department, in writing, outlining the reason for the final course grade appeal. All communications must be dated and include the level of the grade appeal.

    The Chairperson or Dean will respond within 10 days with the outcome. In the absence of compelling reasons, such as clerical error, prejudice, or unreliability, the grade assigned by the faculty of record is to be considered final.

  3. Third level:  If the student believes they have not received a satisfactory response or no response within 10 days, the student will petition the Grade Appeal Committee for review of the final grade.

    If at the third level a student remains dissatisfied, the student must submit supportive information. This must include an explanation or argument as to why the second level decision was not fair. Simple dissatisfaction of the prior two responses cannot be the only reason for the continued request of a grade appeal.

    The College will convene a Grade Appeal Committee that will be comprised of two faculty, at least one of the faculty being from the division from which the appeal arises, two students, at least one from the division from which the appeal arises, and one administrator. Faculty or students in the same course as the grade being appealed may not participate. The outcome of the Grade Appeal Committee’s review is final.

    If a grade change is awarded, the faculty of record must submit a grade change form to the Office of the Registrar within 48 business hours of the decision. If the faculty of record is unavailable, the Chairperson or Dean will notify the Office of the Registrar within 3 business days.