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Learning Management System Usage

The College utilizes Brightspace by D2L for all web-enhanced traditional, hybrid, and online courses. All courses offered at the College have a presence on the LMS. Students have access to courses one week before the start of the semester. Professors using the LMS for instruction are responsible for making their course(s) available to students a week before the start of the semester. All courses in a web-enhanced traditional, hybrid, and online courses format must comply with the policies and procedures outlined elsewhere in this document. All courses are archived on the College’s Learning Management System.


It is the responsibility of students to obtain the appropriate technology tools to enroll in courses. Problems associated with technology-based course delivery can happen. Students encountering technical problems, which prohibit them from submitting an assignment on time, participating in a discussion post, attending a synchronous online meeting, and/or meeting any of their coursework responsibilities, should notify their professor immediately as to the issues that are precluding their fulfillment of the course requirements.


It is essential for students to identify their options for proper technical support in order to reduce problems and increase technology access and skills. It is also important for students to be familiar with Labouré College of Healthcare’s Academic Continuity Plan in case of severe state-wide or regional emergencies.