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Transfer Credit: Associate Degrees Equivalency Chart

Transfer of Arts and Health Sciences courses

Labouré Course Minimum Grade Possible Transfer Course or Domain Notes
ANA 1010: Anatomy & Physiology I C+ 4-credit Anatomy & Physiology I course with laboratory

Weighted average must be a C+ or higher

Course must have been taken within 5 years

Applicants with an LPN license are exempt from the 5-year limit

ANA 1120: Anatomy & Physiology II C+ 4-credit Anatomy & Physiology II course with laboratory

Weighted average must be a C+ or higher

Course must have been taken within 5 years

Applicants with an LPN license are exempt from the 5-year limit

MIC 2201: Microbiology C+ 4-credit Microbiology course with laboratory

Weighted average must be a C+ or higher

Course must have been taken within 5 years

Applicants with an LPN license are exempt from the 5-year limit

ENG 1010: English Composition C English Composition I  
ENG 2000: English Elective C English Composition II, Writing Across Disciplines, Public Speaking  
BIO 1010: Human Biology C+ 4-credit Biology course with laboratory Weighted average must be a C+ or higher
HUM 1010: Introduction to Humanities C Introduction to Humanities course
HUM 2000: Humanities Elective C Any course in literature, arts, dance, foreign language, history, philosophy, or theater
PSY 1010: Introductory Psychology C Introduction to Psychology or General Psychology course
PSY 2010: Human Growth & Behavior C A lifespan psychology course Must cover the whole human lifespan from birth through death
ETH 1010: Healthcare Ethics C Ethics course Must be subject-specific to healthcare/medical ethics
THE 2000: Theology Elective C Theology or Religion course
INT 2100: Integrative Seminar I This course is not transferrable

Students with a prior bachelor's degree or higher are exempt from INT 2100.

Students without a prior bachelor's degree are required to take INT 2100.

MAT 1020: Mathematics for the Health Sciences C College-level math course, excluding Statistics Courses must be 100-level or higher
SSC 2020: Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Healthcare Professionals C Communication and interpersonal skills for healthcare professionals
HSC 1010: Introduction to Health Science C Introduction to Health Science course
HSC 1020: Medical Terminology C Medical terminology course
HSC 2010: Fundamentals of Healthcare Delivery C Fundamentals of health care delivery course
HSC 2020: Survey of Public Health Practices C Public health course
HSC 2030: Holistic Health and Wellness C Holistic health and wellness course
Health Science Electives C Health science or professional courses required for an associate degree

Professional courses in a healthcare-related area of specialization in a degree or certificate program (earned or enrolled)
See Credit for Prior Learning policy


Transfer of Nursing Professional Courses

Transfer credit for professional nursing course credit from another regionally accredited, post-secondary institution, pre-licensure program approved by the board of nursing program at the time of enrollment may be requested for Nursing Fundamentals / NUR 1015 if the student obtained a minimum grade of 77% (C+) within the last two years and the course was at least 9 credits with clinical experience. Students will be required to validate prior learning through fee-based testing (HESI testing). Students requesting nursing transfer credit should refer to the Division of Nursing Progression Criteria and must submit additional documentation that includes: 

  1. The course description for the course at the time the student took the course. 
  2. A detailed course outline/syllabus for the course completed at the previous institution, in the term that the course was completed (electronic or printed copy acceptable). 

For questions about transfer of nursing professional courses, please contact the Division of Nursing directly.