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Labouré College of Healthcare provides email accounts to all students utilizing email-hosting services provided by an external vendor, Microsoft’s Office 365. The College retains final ownership of these accounts and their contents, but also endeavors to protect the individual privacy and freedom of expression for all users.


Labouré College of Healthcare email accounts are the only accounts which College staff and faculty will use to communicate with students for business or academic activity. All official communication from the College will be sent to the College-provided account, and delivery to this account is considered sufficient to demonstrate adequate notification of student educational or financial obligations. The onus for checking and reading received email communications remains solely with the individual assigned the account.


Methods of Accessing College Email Accounts

The primary access to Labouré College of Healthcare email is through a web-based portal. While other forms of access also are available, the web access will be considered the default method of access. Secondary access is available to students, including the use of IMAP or POP3 email software clients, such as Microsoft Outlook, and there is access through mobile devices using the IOS or Android operating systems. The College Information Technology (IT) staff provide “best effort” levels of support for mobile devices and software clients, but will provide more complete troubleshooting and customer support for the web-based portal.


Personal Use

Using Labouré College of Healthcare-provided email accounts for personal emails is permitted, but users should remain aware that non-Labouré related email may be viewed in any investigation. Sending chain letters or inappropriate emails from a College email account is prohibited. Any individual other than Labouré College of Healthcare Information Technology staff members, who will clearly identify themselves in any such warning, should not send virus or other malware warnings.


Mass Mailings

As part of the College-provided email system, there is the ability to send email to pre-established groups of employees and students. All communication to these email groups should be sent by authorized individuals, including but not limited to College IT staff, College communications employees, and selected administrative employees. Each communication will be scrutinized for appropriate relevance to the intended recipients, and emphasis should be given to keeping all such communications as precise and concise as possible.


Prohibited Use

Labouré College of Healthcare-provided email accounts shall not to be used for the creation or distribution of any disruptive, offensive or intimidating messages, including offensive comments about race, gender, disabilities, age, sexual orientation, pornography, religious beliefs and practice, political beliefs, or national origin. Students who receive any emails with this content from any Labouré College of Healthcare employee or student should report the matter to the Department of Human Resources immediately.


Email Forwarding

Labouré College of Healthcare prohibits users from setting up email-forwarding to outside email accounts and blocks the process at the system level. 


Timeline and Eligibility for Account Creation

All students registered for one or more credits will be issued an email account. Student email accounts will be established when a prospective student submits a deposit prior to matriculation.


Account Expiry

Student accounts will be maintained while the student is active; however, students will only have access for 90 days after completion of a College program. In the event of student separation from the College, access to all College systems will be discontinued immediately. 



Labouré College of Healthcare employees and students shall have no expectation of privacy in anything they store, send or receive on the College’s email system. Though as a routine matter Labouré College of Healthcare will not monitor messages, it retains right to do so without prior notice.


Investigatory Processes

The only individuals authorized to initiate an investigation of a Labouré College of Healthcare email account are the College’s President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Either may request an investigation and will provide a written copy of the request to the other individual, as well as to the College’s Chief Information Officer, who will direct Information Technology staff to provide the appropriate access to accommodate the request. The existence of an investigation, and any findings, will be held in strictest confidence.


Investigations may be initiated for reasons such as:

  • An investigation triggered by indications of misconduct or misuse;
  • A need to protect health and safety;
  • A need to prevent interference with the academic mission of the college;
  • A need to locate substantive information required for college business, which is unavailable by some other means.

The contents of email communications that have been properly obtained for College purposes may be disclosed without permission from the end user. The College will attempt to refrain from disclosing communications, which might create personal embarrassment, unless such disclosure is required to satisfy a legal obligation.



Users should have no expectations of being able to recover deleted or expired email. The College will follow best and reasonable efforts for its backup and legal discovery practices.