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Photography and Multi-Media Policy

Labouré College of Healthcare may use photographs, audio, video recordings, and/or other multi-media of employees and students for purposes of education, publicity, and student recruitment on behalf of the College, via the internet, print publications, and other media. 


Should an employee or student not want to be photographed or recorded or have their name or biographical information used in connection with any such recording, they must submit a completed Photo Opt-Out form to the Office of Communications and Development. 


Individuals who submit a completed Photo Opt-Out form are also responsible for removing themselves from areas in which photography and/or recording is taking place, or notifying the camera operator of their opt-out status. While every effort will be made to honor an opt-out request, an individual's failure to remove themselves or notify the camera operator may result in that individual's inclusion in a photograph or recording, and will be treated as consent for the College to utilize that photograph or recording accordingly. In the event that such a photograph or recording is published, individuals may notify the Office of Communications and Development who will remove the image, video or other multi-media within 24 business hours. 


Please be advised that image and videos taken in public places and/or at public events do not require authorization for publication. Your presence in or around College facilities and/or properties, as well as at off-campus College-sponsored events constitutes your consent to the capture and/or use of your image and/or voice, and waives any claims or rights whether in law or in equity. 


When a completed Photo Opt-Out form is on file, the College will make every effort to honor that individual's opt-out status, even in public spaces or at public events. Please be aware that completing a Photo Opt-Out form does not remove your name from listings at public events such as Pinning and Commencement programs. If you would like to remove your name from public event listings, you must notify the Office of the Registrar of your request to withhold such information from public consumption. 


All specific questions or concerns regarding the Photography and Multi-Media Policy should be directed to the Office of Communications and Development at